The reports completed (in Estonian, with summary in English) are published as a series of publications and are available both electronically at
Completed HTA reports
TTH75 Non-invasive prenatal testing for all pregnant women in Estonia
TTH70 Screening for depression, anxiety disorder and suicide risk in children and adolescents
TTH69 Creative arts therapies in the treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents
TTH68 Semaglutide in the treatment of obesity
TTH67 Cost-effectiveness of insulin pump therapy for adults with type 1 diabetes
TTH66 Point-of-care CRP and glucose testing in general practice
TTH65 The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy
TTH64 Acute care at patient’s home i.e. hospital at home: effectiveness, costs and organization
TTH63 Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening
TTH62 Health effects of genotype-guided treatment in cardiovascular diseases and cost effectiveness of genotype-guided antiplatelet treatment in ischemic heart disease in Estonia
TTH61 Health effects and cost-effectiveness of genotype-guided treatment for depression
TTH60 Cost-effectiveness of tisagenlecleucel in the treatment of relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia
TTH59 The cost-effectiveness of newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy and presymptomatic treatment in Estonia
TTH58 Cost-effectiveness of gender-neutral HPV vaccination in Estonia
TTH57 The cost-effectiveness of immunotherapy for metastatic lung cancer in Estonia
TTH56 Health checks for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
TTH55 Cost-effectiveness of immunotherapy in the treatment of advanced clear-cell renal carcinoma
TTH54 Effectiveness, costs and organization of oral nutrition therapy
TTH53 Biologics for the treatment of nasal polypose in Estonia
TTH52 Assessment of the elimination strategy for hepatitis C
TTH51 Robotic magnetic navigation for treatment of cardiac arrhythmia
TTH50 Genetic testing for cancer treatment strategies
TTH49 New methods for screening for prostate cancer
TTH48 Screening for lung cancer
TTH47 Biologic drugs in dermatology
TTH46 Buprenorphine as a substitute treatment for opiate dependence
TTH45 Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccines
TTH44 Home health visits in the early postpartum period
TTH43 The budget impact analysis of smoking cessation interventions in Estonia
TTH42 The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of quadrivalent influenza vaccine
TTH41 Polysomnography
TTH40 Newborn screening for galactosemia
TTH39 Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment in Estonia
TTH38 Cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral drugs in the first-line treatment of HIV-infected patients in Estonia
TTH37 The cost-effectiveness of using antiretroviral drugs in HIV-negative people
TTH36 Home enteral nutrition service in Estonia
TTH35 The cost-effectiveness of diabetic retinopathy screening in Estonia
TTH34 The cost-effectiveness of IDegLira, IGlarLixi and liraglutide or lixisenatide added to basal insulin in patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus in Estonia
TTH33 The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of GLP-1 receptor agonists for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Estonia
TTH32 Screening programme for abdominal aortic aneurysm in Estonia
TTH31 Cost-effectiveness of the Estonian cervical cancer screening programme: Pap versus HPV testing
TTH30 The effectiveness of safe injection facilities
TTH29 Combining antiretroviral treatments with methadone maintenance in HIV-positive drug users in Estonia
TTH28 Cost-effectiveness of treatment strategies in patients with metastatic lung cancer
TTH27 The cost-effectiveness of treatment strategies for patients with mutiple myeloma
TTH26 The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prostate cancer screening in Estonia
TTH25 The costs and cost-effecitiveness of BCG vaccination in Estonia
TTH24 The cost-effectiveness of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion for patients with type I diabetes
TTH23 Ranolazine for treatment of stable angina
TTH22 Mammography screening for breast cancer
TTH21 The cost-effectiveness of chemotherapy for HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer
TTH20 The cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination
TTH19 The cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccine in Estonia
TTH18 Healthcare costs and resource utilization in treatment of preterm births in Estonia
TTH17 The cost-effectiveness of biologic vs synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis
TTH16 The cost-effectiveness of depot antipsychotic therapy
TTH15 The cost-effectiveness of EGFR inhibitors in colorectal cancer treatment
TTH14 Naloxone programme to prevent overdose deaths in Estonia
TTH13 The cost-effectiveness of tick-borne encephalitis vaccination in Estonia
TTH12 The cost-effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination
TTH11 The cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening
TTH10 Cost-effectiveness of new oral anticoagulants in Estonia
TTH09 Anti-hyperglycaemic medicines sitagliptin and dapagliflozin
TTH08 Indications and costs of polysomnography and pulse oximetry in Estonia
TTH07 Effectiveness and costs of treatment strategies in patients with multiple myeloma
TTH06 Cost-effectiveness of Vemurafenib in the treatment of metastatic melanoma
TTH05 Mammography screening for breast cancer
TTH04 Effectiveness and costs of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in Estonia
TTH03 Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in children with type 1 diabetes
TTH02 Ventricular assist device efficiency and cost-effectiveness in heart failure
TTH01 Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of biologic vs synthetic disease-modifying drugs in rheumatoid arthritis